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December 17, 2003 - 11:15 p.m.

More Christmas shopping

Yeah, sorry -- another entry about Christmas gifts. But it's beyond my control -- all I've had time to do lately is make and/or look for presents. Perhaps I'd be in a better position if I'd gotten the Christmas spirit a little earlier than last Wednesday.

But, hey, if it helps, today I went shopping with my ex-boyfriend. And helped him pick out a gift for his new girlfriend. That's dramatic, huh? Huh? Anyone?

Oh, c'mon. Cut a girl some slack.

I did manage to say inappropriate things in two different stores, and to tailor the inappropriateness for each establishment, so that was cool.

In the children's section of Borders, I called my sister-in-law to ascertain exactly what Spongebob merchandise is already owned by my older nephew. We brainstormed some ideas for my younger nephew, and I ended the conversation with "God. I can't wait until they get older and I can just buy them hookers and booze."

There were no children in the immediate vicinity (not that I checked that out before shooting my mouth off), but, wow. You've never seen a bunch of people so steadfastly refusing to make eye contact with someone in your life. Now I know how those guys who rant and rave on Muni feel.

Later, when JP and I were in a punkish store on Haight Street, my friend Hbabes called. (And, I swear, I am normally not the kind of person to run around in stores yapping on my cell phone, but in both cases, I had good reasons for making/taking the calls.) She mentioned that she wanted to go out tonight, but we agreed that it probably wasn't the best idea, as we both have to work in actual offices tomorrow.

And then, standing in the punk rock(ish) store, on my cell phone, surrounded by studded belts and vinyl pants and chokers and people with spiked hair, I said, "Besides, The O.C.'s on tonight."

JP sort of snickered, and I felt a bit sheepish for a second. And then I remembered that there's no reason to be ashamed about my love for The O.C.. So I straightened up and said, "It's a really good show." I don't think anyone believed me, though.

So there you have it, more stories about shopping. Hey, it could be worse. I could have told you about the present I'm knitting, which is my other big activity these days. But I figured I should save something for tomorrow.

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