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April 26, 2005 - 5:38 p.m.

Tunics? Really?

The good folks at Old Navy must be officially out of ideas. Or else maybe they lost a bet. Or are just toying with us out of boredom and/or contempt. Because � tunics? Ads in which the consumer is exhorted to (in what my housemate has dubbed the Best Tortured Rhyme of the Year) � �bust a tunic�? And in which it is strongly implied that men simply cannot get enough of a woman � in a tunic?

They�re totally fucking with us. And if you don�t believe me, well, don�t say I didn�t warn you when the Fall 2005 Smock Collection comes out.

Tonight, a very nice young man at the gym is going to measure my �body composition.� He was supposed to do it last night, but I arrived early for my appointment and, being both bored and at a gym, decided to kill 20 minutes on the treadmill.

Big mistake. It turns out that 20 minutes on a treadmill, while not actually making one skinny, will alter body composition enough to render the testing thereof completely useless. I guess I was thinner on the inside, or something.

Today, I have been very careful to keep my movement to a minimum, so as not to upset the finely calibrated body composition measuring apparatus at 24 Hour Fitness. My prediction is that the results will go something like, �You�re a little chubby. But if you give us large sacks of money, we will make you less so.�

I am actually considering some personal training time, if it is reasonably priced and they can provide a written guarantee that their trainers are both certified and not too annoying.

After all, it is tunic season. A girl needs to look her best.

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