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December 01, 2003 - 7:55 p.m.

A solemn vow

I called my parents on Thanksgiving, as one does, and what did my mom have to say to me? "Happy Thanksgiving, sweetie"? "I love you, my darling daughter"?

Well, yes. But there was also this: "When are you going to update your journal? I'm bored looking at that same entry from last week."

Sigh. I knew I would regret telling my family about this site. But I was thinking it'd be because someday I'd manage to scandalize them somehow, causing them to disown me and deny my very existence. I didn't even think about the nagging.

So there's the mom pressure, which is bad enough. But then what do I go and do? Well, I'll tell you. I went ahead and signed up for the Holidailies portal, set up by the awesome Jette, so now I've gone and made a "solemn vow" (really, it says so right there on the page) to update every day in December. That's right. Every goddamn day.

So, this is the start of it. And I'm sorry that it's not that exciting. But from here until the end of this month, you'll be hearing the tiniest details of my life as I scrape for something to write about, so look at this as a welcome reprieve before the real work starts.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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