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April 25, 2005 - 1:00 p.m.

And by "I'm back," I evidently mean...

... that I will update every two weeks or so. Sorry about that.

The weekend, she was good. Thursday (because it's the new Friday -- Ha! That never gets old!), I was present at the tattooing of Jen Fu, who now has the lovely outline of a lovely anchor and rose on her forearm. And also, friendship balls! Which are not as dirty as they sound. There are just some circles in the tattoo design, and Fu has decided to allow a select few (of which I am one. Score!) to pick the colors. Mine will be blue, if all goes according to plan.

Fu, it should be noted, was exceedingly brave throughout the whole ordeal. I am now thinking of getting another tattoo (and that's only Fu's fault a little bit). I think it will be stars on my ankle, but that is as far as I have gotten.

Friday, I stayed in and ate Skinny Cows in my fuzzy bathrobe and also probably watched some Law and Order, because that is what we do at my house when we're home on a Friday or Saturday night, because we know how to rock out.

Saturday was a birthday celebration for the lovely Felisa. A huge crowd of us met for tapas at Cha Cha Cha in the Mission, where the food was delicious and we were perhaps unnecessarily competitive with the other birthday/bachelorette parties. However, I think we proved to everyone's satisfaction that we could yell the loudest, and that's what counts. Afterwards, we went to the Make-Out Room, a name that sadly turned out to not be so literal. I hear that after I punked out and went home, the party moved elsewhere, but that these places were full of striped shirts, so it is just as well I left when I did.

Last night, I hosted Mas , which in addition to the usual Mas crowd also featured my lovely housemate C (who made salad!), Selila, Felisa, and Sasha. I was very nervous about cooking for Sasha, who is a for-real chef, but everything turned out well (maybe not the cookies, but it was nothing covering them in ice cream couldn't fix), and we capped the evening with some hysteria-inducing dramatic readings from the Internet and the launch of an ill-advised project of our own.

However, I now have approximately two week's worth of lasagna in my refrigerator, not to mention assorted ice cream, bread and appetizers. I plan to freeze the lasagna and hope that housemates with faster metabolisms than mine will eat the other stuff, but one of these days I need to learn how to prepare a meal for fewer than 20 people. Or else I need to start inviting 20 people to every dinner party. Frankly, we don't have enough chairs for that, and if 20 people were coming I would probably just end up cooking for 40.

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