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December 24, 2003 - 12:03 a.m.

I might have the flu

Today at work, I started getting chills and feeling a little sore all over. And then I'd start feeling all uncomfortably warm. And then I'd get the chills again. (God. You must be at the edge of your seat.)

But I was editing a kind of -- well, I don't want to say "bad" -- but somewhat poorly written manual. So I was thinking that maybe the improper comma use was causing a physical reaction.

But tonight, Iggy, my cat, was acting all sweet and concerned and curling up on my lap and letting me knit without being a little asshole about it. This is something he generally only does when I have a hangover. That would indicate that something might be amiss, health-wise.

So I did what any thinking person would do when it's two days before Christmas and she doesn't want to get sick. I ate a bunch of chicken soup, took some ibuprofen, and drank half a bottle of wine.

I didn't mean to do that last part, but I was watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and they're always cracking open a nice bottle of wine. And one of the episodes was the holiday reunion special, where the wine was flowing like, uh, wine. There's only so much of that kind of subliminal messaging a girl can take.

My roommate was wrapping Christmas presents, which naturally left her a bit parched, so we decided a nice Merlot was in order. And now I don't feel the chills or the sore muscles anymore. So maybe I'm better! Or maybe I'll be cursing my own stupidity in the morning. It's a toss-up at this point.

By the way, did anyone else get a little teary during the Queer Eye holiday reunion? No? It was just me? Well, OK then.

Everyone goes on about how the Fab Five are so sweet and really seem to care about their subjects even as they bring the snark, and that's true. But what got to me about this episode was how into it the straight guys were and how they were all cheering for each other and stuff. And when John (I think that was his name) asked them to be in his wedding? And when they were all so proud of Adam for losing all that weight?

Well, damn. How could that not make one a little misty?

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