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May 13, 2003 - 2:22 p.m.

Culture shock

Not sure whether to be grateful or alarmed that I drank as much as I did last night and don't really have a hangover. Not that I want a hangover, mind you. (And anyone who's ever been around me when I've had a really bad one is probably grateful that I don't. It ain't pretty, people. Let's just say that the morning after my brother's wedding, I'd thrown up so much that it felt like I'd been doing sit-ups all night.)

But I wonder -- could it be that I've been drinking so damn much lately that I'm developing some sort of weird immunity? Are my insides now so pickled that not even four rather substantial vodka and cranberry juices on an empty stomach can cause even a quiver? Ah, well, I guess I should just be grateful and leave it at that.

The site of my imbibing was Doc's Clock, where the fabulous Our Lady of the Highway were playing. Lovely, lovely stuff. If you're ever in San Francisco or they ever come to your neck of the woods, you should really check them out. And they were selling CDs! For five dollars! The lead singer is so oddly charismatic that I can't actually look directly at him, but that's probably more my own issue and not anything you'd have to worry about. I mean, I don't think you'd burst into flames or anything.

Oooh, and Saturday night, I saw Throwing Muses, who absolutely kicked all kinds of ass and are still as rockin' as ever. I really cannot believe, even witnessing it for myself, that there are only three people in that band. And Bernard Georges? So. Fucking. Hot. Not to belittle his bass-playing talents, which are considerable. But damn. He could be playing a kiddie xylophone and I'd probably watch him for hours while sighing dreamily.

Thursday, I was at the ballet. T's friend D got us box seats (is that what you call them?) and free champagne and it was a terrific night. Of course, it turns out that our idea of dressing up is a bit different from your average society matron's. We were definitely the Trampiest Girls at the Ballet. Which, to be honest, just made it that much more fun. I mean, if you can't show some clevage at the opera house, where can you? Huh? Where?

Saturday afternoon, before the concert, M and I stumbled upon a weird dog show in Golden Gate park. And then Sunday, while I was running in the park on one of the out-of-the-way paths, I came upon a clearing where a bunch of high school students were doing skits. In French.

All in all, I've had a great deal of culture in the past few days. I think I've earned the right to sit in the bathtub and read Lucky magazine, don't you?

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