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September 03, 2004 - 7:03 p.m.

This is getting ridiculous

I almost fainted in yoga class today. There was no blood, and nobody was sticking me repeatedly with a needle. I was just minding my own business, hanging out in tree pose, and suddenly I got all lightheaded and the edges of my vision went black. I stopped for a minute, and then tried a few more balancing poses. When those didn't so much work out, I tried child's pose, and then the drinking more water pose, and finally opted for the packing-up-my-stuff-and-fleeing-in-shame pose.

I suspected that the reasons behind my near-swooning were the heat (it was roughly a billion degrees here today) and the fact that I hadn't eaten much, so I decided to rectify the latter situation. I wandered down Haight Street on wobbly legs, hoping that I wouldn't pass out, because Haight Street is kind of gross, and all the tourists and hipsters would probably just step right over me, maybe pausing to grab my wallet and cell phone.

The thing is, while I was rather urgently in need of nutrition, I was curiously gripped with indecision about what to eat. I paused in front of the Citrus Club, wondering vaguely about spring rolls, and looked at the coffee shop across the street, trying to remember if they served actual food there, or just pastries. Finally, I decided on a smoothie at this random ice cream shop, and then stopped at a grocery store and got a banana.

Once I started feeling better, I realized that I had been walking around Haight Street -- sweating my ass off and about to faint -- looking for Core Foods. Someone should really just smack me.

Speaking of sudden unconsciousness, I'm getting the color done for my tattoo next Thursday. Everything's healing nicely, and there have been whole stretches of time during the past few days where I haven't even been aware of it.

Other times, of course, it itches like hell. I am not, under any circumstances, allowed to scratch. Instead, I have been told to either slap or rub the affected area. the result being that I frequently look like I am congratulating or comforting myself. Repeatedly.

Also, yesterday, JP called me at work, and asked me how the tattoo was doing. I said, "I think it's almost healed. It burned a little yesterday, but today it's just itching and peeling a little."

It was then that I remembered about our office's open floor plan.

Eh. what the hell. It's only a temp job.

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